The International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Sensor Network (ICEEE 2025) will be held on Aug. 30-31, 2025 in Wuhan, China. The aim of ICEEE 2025 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Sensor Network . It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.All accepted papers will be submitted to SCI/EI JournalsPublication.

Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Instutute (ASET) is in cooperation with Electrical, Electronic Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Sensor Network, an international journal indexed by EI (JA).This series will call for 50 papers to be published by EI journal.Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished. Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they are original or extended version of previously published papers in conferences and/or journals and that, if the work received an official sponsorship, it has been duly released for open publication.This will ensure fast processing and publication. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors will not be processed.

2025电气、电子工程,智能计算和传感器网络国际学术会议(iceee2025)于2025年8月30-31日在武汉举行,iceee2025致力于为电气,电子工程、机械电力工程、智能计算、无线传感器、网络通信、计算机等领域的专家学者提供一个学术交流和建立友谊的平台,使大家能够分享最新优秀的论文和研究成果,并共同探讨关注行业发展问题。本次投稿录用的所有论文将推荐至EI期刊正刊出版.检索类型JA. 部分高质量文章直接推荐至相关SCI期刊出版.(具体期刊信息、注册费用和出版时间在您投稿后有详细的邮件信息回复您)


Submission Papers

Template for Manuscripts

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline:

Mar. 30, 2025 (EI期刊)

Paper acceptance notification:

Apr. 30, 2025 (EI期刊)

Author Registration deadline:

May. 30, 2025 (EI期刊)

Conference dates:

Aug. 30-31, 2025


Prof. Marcellina Chijoriga,Bill and Melinda Foundation,University of Dar es Salaam(UDSM)

Assoc. Prof. X.G Zhou, University of Science and Technology Beijing,China

Prof. Mazeyar Parvinzadeh Gashti, Département de Chimie, Université Laval, Canada

Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Lv X. L College of Machinery & Automotive Engineering,Chuzhou University,China

Assoc. Prof. X.Y Hu, School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, China

Alex Lyatonga Mrema, University of Dar es Salaam(UDSM), Dept.of Structural and Construction Engineering.


Mr. Wang(微信公众号:aset2012)

QQ: 75986686

027-88189858 周一至周五(上午09:00-下午17:30)

+86-13387663722 (微信同号)



To ensure the quality of the papers, all submissions should be full, original and unpublished and not be submitted for consideration or publication elsewhere. All submissions would be peer reviewed for the quality, originality and relevance to the event by the organizing committee. All submissions should not be less than 10 pages and submitted in Word or PDF with the template to



The aim of iceee2025 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Electrical, Electronic Engineering. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Papers Submission


1.Electronic Engineering

2.Computer and AI Applications in Power Industry

3.Control Science and Control Engineering

4.Distributed Generation, Fuel Cells and Renewable Energy Systems

5.Electric vehicle technologies

6.Electro technologies

7.High Voltage and Insulation Technology

8.Intelligent control systems

9.Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility

10.Automation & Instrument and Meter

11.Signal and Communication Processing


12.Advanced Power Semiconductors

13.Analogue and Digital Signal Processing

14.Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus

15.Electromagnetic compatibility

16.Materials for Electrotechnics

17.Measuring Technology and Instruments

18.Sensor Network Systems

19.Wireless and Adhoc Network

20.Wireless Multimedia systems

21.Network Security

22.Autonomous Systems


23.Distributed Computing

24.Virtual Communication Environments

25.Mobile Robotics

26.Methods in Cognitive Systems

27.Mind, Brain and Behaviour

28.Machine Learning

29.Natural Language Interaction

30.Web Intelligence

31.Speech Technologies

32.Audio and Music Processing

33.Face and Gesture Analysis


34.Computer Vision

35.Pattern Recognition

36.Data-driven Social Analytics

37.Algorithm Design

38.Environment-aware Agents

39.Holonic Agents

40.Agents for Smart Environments

41.Middleware Agents

42.Embedded Agents

43.Mobile Agents

44.Adaptive and Personalized Systems